Saturday, November 19, 2011


Here's my first of what will be regular posts about Trifitness' new Pose Running and Strength programs. To all those lucky souls who have been able to work out with me at the beach in tee shirts lately - looks like the party's over. Even so we're going to need space to practice the Pose Running so bring your gloves and hats.

Anyone who hasn't joined in yet should know that you can start any time. Every single sessions starts with drills from the first day and we all work together to bring each other up to speed (pun intended).

Take a look at this article from last week's NYTimes magazine. This is exactly what we're doing with the new running program.


  1. Interesting. I took a class with Danny Dreyer (Chi Running) about 10 years ago and he teaches the same mechanics. I still think about it every time I run.

  2. I always thought they were really similar. Looked it up and found the attached. I don't have an opinion like the author. Will say that Pose changed everything about running for me - speed, injuries, endurance...

  3. Thanks for the link. I plan on trying the '100-Up' exercises mentioned in the NYT video.
