Saturday, January 17, 2015

Your 2015 Healthy Detox Plan

Happy New Year! Here is a plan to get your body cleaner, maybe leaner, with more energy and a better overall plan.

We should all periodically detox the body from toxins like alcohol, sugar, heavy metals as well as common environmental pollutants. The detoxification process can be as or more important than nutrition itself.  

Juice Cleansing has become a popular method of detoxification. But I do not believe it is a good method for someone who has difficulty, regulating blood sugar.  Juice cleanses do not provide the protein, fatty acids and calories in order to do that.

Fasting or restricting calories can also elevate your cortisol levels, which in effect raises your blood sugar.  Your body then goes through the process of removing the blood sugar and you can dip into a low blood sugar state. This can bring on intense food cravings. So in the end you may negate all the good you did with the juice cleanse.

You have to be careful reducing your calories so much, your body can go into starvation mode and you can slow down your metabolism, Your body can actually store fat because it wants to preserve it for another time.  I love raw juices,  I just don’t use them as a meal replacement.

Detoxing should just be a part of your daily diet. A couple of times a year we can perform a detox diet to boost the process.   This detox plan does not restrict calories and makes sure you are getting all of your macronutrients while taking in the nutrients you need and promoting the excretion of toxic build up.

I have included a list of permitted foods and forbidden foods.  To achieve the full effect you should eliminate the items on the “Don’t Eat” list for 30 days to resolve issues of inflammation, bloating, achiness, sugar cravings or fatigue that may be caused by food allergens.   After the 30 days you can start including more of the forbidden foods but if sensitivity is noticed you should eliminate from your diet. 

If you are just looking for a boost, the plan can be followed for 3,5, 10, 15, 21 or any amount of time that works for you. If you stray from the permitted food list, this does not mean you have lost the benefit. The important thing is you are incorporating more foods on the permitted list and starting to lessen and limit the foods that are on the “Don’t Eat” list.  Incorporating more detoxifying agents and fiber into your meal planning and drinking more water is extremely important.

This is a great compliment with an exercise program to enhance weight loss.


Shake for Breakfast – Smoothies are a great way to start the day include base (coconut water, unsweetened almond, unsweetened coconut milk or hemp milk), protein (handfull of raw nuts, 1 TBSP of nut or sunflower butter or hemp protein powder), 1 TBSP (coconut oil and/or 1 TBSP chia seeds/flax seed powder, no more than 1/2 cup fruit, 1-2 cups vegetables (kale, spinach, beets, carrots, collard greens, broccoli, cabbage etc), add 1-2 spices, dash of turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom, cilantro, basil, rosemary etc (anti-inflammatory properties)

Snack - choose from list below

Meal for lunch- Typically this would consist of soup and a salad or any combination of the permitted foods. Should contain carbohydrates, fat and protein.

Snack- choose from list below

Meal for Dinner – Should contain carbohydrates, fat and protein. Can be any combination of the items of the permitted food list.

What you can Eat 

·      whole vegetables, leafy greens, sea vegetables (kelp, dulce, seaweed)
·      brown rice, quinoa, Amaranth, Wild Rice, Black Rice,  Teff, Millet other gluten free grains.             
·      beans, lentils
·       green tea, apple cider vinegar, aloe vera juice, water with lemon
·       wild fish, organic chicken & turkey
·      whole fruits, berries, tree nuts, seeds
·      Sweet potatoes and yams, Butternut squash, potatoes
·      coconut oil
·      clarified Ghee for cooking
·      plant-based protein powder
·      limited amounts of raw 100% pure honey and 100% pure Maple Syrup.

Don’t Eat
·      dairy (can have clarified butter Ghee for cooking)
·      eggs (eggs are a superfood I hate to omit them, some people allergic to cows milk can tolerate eggs but it is a very common allergen so should eliminate initially at least 14 days, reintroduce and see if you have an issue)
·      gluten, wheat
·      processed sugar (no cookies, crackers, pastries, white flour breads)
·      soy
·      coffee, soda, alcohol (do the best you can with these)
·      beef, pork
·      peanuts 
·      corn oil, vegetable oil. Hydrogenated oils
·      whey protein 
·      shark, tuna, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish, tuna (highest mercury content)

Best Detoxifying agents to incorporate into diet (add in smoothies, soups and cooking)
Dandelion Greens
Wheat Grass
Leafy Greens

Start the day with a lemon and warm water (2-3 cups) at least 20 minutes prior to eating
I personally take 4-5 cups of boiling water and place in my vitamix, I take ½ of a washed lemon, with peel and put in blender with 2-3 shakes of Himalayan Pink Sea Salt.  (I get this at Trader Joe’s) I blend for about 20 seconds.  I drink 2-3 cups prior to eating then I save the rest and put in glass water bottle in the refrigerator, cool it down and drink during my workout. (the peel has many healing properties and enhances the benefits the lemon provides including increased fat metabolism and cleansing properties)
Take a multi-strain probiotic ( I take 2  Dr. Stephen Langers Ultimate 16 Strain Probiotic with trace Minerals and FOS) found on Swanson Vitamins. Very reasonable) but you can use any probiotic you prefer just makes sure it is multi-strain.
Stay hydrated throughout the day. Drink 10 glasses of liquid daily more if losing a lot through exercise. Hydrating yourself during your Detox is important to keep the bowels moving and to help flush out released toxins.
Eat fiber-rich foods: Include leafy green salad, cherries, figs, prunes, pears, aloe vera juice, warm lemon water, or green vegetable juices.
Do some movement and exercise. Walking and light yoga should be incorporated into fitness plan.
Before lunch and dinner have 1-2 oz of organic aloe vera juice in 6 ounces of warm water with lemon (drink about 20 minutes prior to meal)

Natural Calm - 1 ½-2 hours after dinner and before bed.  Put powder in warm water. This magnesium citrate supplement helps restore natural magnesium levels and increase calcium intake to encourage natural stress relief and healthy bowel movements. Can purchase at local natural foods store.
·      2 teaspoons in warm water. 
 could take an Epson Salt Bath 1-2 cups Epson Salt in Bath.

We need to be careful that the detoxification doesn’t happen too quickly. If bowel movements are happening more than 2 x day should backoff on detoxing drinks until your body can acclimate.
Everyone should start a food journal, should include what you are eating during the day, time of day, how you feel after eating, how you feel in general, examples tired after eating, burst of energy after eating etc..  Recognize Physical vs. Emotional Hunger. 
Snack and eat mindfully: chew your food. Sit down and eat slowly, even when drinking, you should sit down and do not gulp. Mindful eating can improve digestion can result in less calories consumed which promotes weight loss.
In writing your food journal Start to recognize true hunger vs emotional hunger.

Physical Hunger
·      Gradually arises
·      You’re open to different food options  
·      Doesn’t have to be filled immediately 
·      You stop when you’re full
·      You feel good when finished
Emotional Hunger
·      Arises suddenly
·      Must be eaten right now
·      Keep eating even when full
·      You feel guilty, shameful, or unsatisfied
If you find you are still experiencing emotional hunger, we may need to up the fat and carb intake or add in substances to help reduce cravings.

Make vegetable and fruit cleaner in spray bottle, 2 parts distilled vinegar, 1 part water, clean all fruits and vegetables with cleaning spray and rinse with warm water prior to eating.

Apple Slices and Almond Butter
Guacamole with Veggies
Hummus with Veggies
Brown Rice Cakes with Nut Butter and Sugar Free Fruit Preserves
Roasted Chickpeas, roasted with olive oil, spinach and pine nuts
Roasted broccoli and cauliflower (roasted with coconut oil or clarified butter, ghee)
Raw nuts with fresh fruit or dried fruit without added sugar
Kale Chips with sesame and sunflower seeds
Trail mix (tree nuts, raw sunflower seeds, raw pumpkin seeds, dried figs or apricots)
Raw Green Juice , pair with protein 20 minutes of juice intake to stabilize blood sugar
Avocado on toast
2 TBSP Almond Butter with 1-2 squares 85% dark cacao chocolate
unsweetened Coconut Milk plain yogurt add your own blueberries and walnuts
2 Tablespoons of Sesame Tahini with raw cucumber, carrots or red peppers
Sliced Turkey Collard wrap
Take 2 large collard leafs, wrap 1 slice of turkey in each, a couple of slices of avocado on each 
Sweet Potato or Yam with cinnamon and handful of pecans

Soups  –  Soups are also a convenient way to increase your vegetable intake and get in all your macronutrients .

For soup, smoothie and entrée recipes please email me at

For assistance during the detoxification process, you can set up a one on one consultation with me: 
 $45 for a half hour, $80 an hour. 


$80, one month subscription - which includes weekly check ins, review of food journal, addressing any concerns you may have and tips to help with the process. This is all done through email and using the Training Peaks application.

Thank you,  I look forward to talking with you

Melissa Brunetti
Nutrition Director Swim Seventy.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hot soups in January

It is cold outside and a good time to turn on the heat, hot soups are a great way to stay warm and stay healthy.

Butternut Squash Soup ( made in Vitamix)  (2-3 servings)
1 package (20 oz) of pre-cut butternut squash (I buy from Trader Joes or Whole Foods)
Boil for 20 minutes, drain and transfer to Vitamix. If you do not have a Vitamix or powerful blender you can use a food processor to puree the squash, apple and carrots and then move to a pot to finish cooking). (You can cook squash a day ahead before soup preparation)
1 green apple cut up (discard the core, keep the peel on)
1 TBSP Coconut Oil
1 cup Carrots (I buy the organic cut and peeled carrots)
1 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1 1/2 cups Coconut Milk (unsweetened)
3-4 mint leaves

If you want it sweeter, you can add 1-2 tsp honey or maple syrup but I don’t think it needs it.

That's it

Sprinkle some cinnamon and walnuts on top to serve

You can also substitute the Butternut Squash for canned organic Pumpkin or Sweet Potatoes. 

Pumpkin, Carrots and Squash are all  good sources of Beta Carotene, safe form of Vitamin A,  contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, diets rich in beta carotene lesson heart disease and cancer risk, protect from breathing disorders like asthma and bronchitis,  people with low levels of beta carotene more likely to suffer from glucose intolerance, helps with vision, gives us energy and boosts immunity
It is fat soluble so best absorbed when eaten with fat (like the coconut oil in the soup)

Cinnamon- Natural thermogenic spice, heats the body up and aids in fat burning, especially abdominal fat, helps metabolize carbohydrates and assists in regulation of blood sugar.  

Cold Prevention
1 8 oz cup of warm water
2 tsp raw local honey
1 slice of lemon
1 dash of cinnamon

Honey and cinnamon contain properties to boost the immune system and prevent viral and bacterial infections. Lemons are high in Vitamin C and also gives your immune system a boost.

TIP #3
Already have a cold, then create this Cold Cure in a vitamix or blender.

Whole lemon blended with peel (blend well to minimize pieces of lemon)
2 cups of warm to hot water as base
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp honey
dash of cayenne pepper, 
½ green apple (core removed)

cinnamon- anti-oxidant, antibacterial
honey – antibacterial, good source of vitamins, contains prebiotics good for immune system, antioxidant, good for sore throats and reduces coughs
green apple- good for breaking up mucus in lungs, expectorant and nose
Cayenne Pepper – clears congestion in nose and lungs, anti- inflammatory, boosts immunity

Lemon- High in Vitamin C boosts immune system and help body fight infection.

The author is Melissa Brunetti and can be reached at If you would like assistance in following the program,Melissa's  hourly rates for one on one consultation are $45 a half hour, $80 an hour as well as an $80 monthly rate which would include weekly check ins, feedback and tips all provided through email exchange.